Salzkammergut Trophy

28. Salzkammergut Trophy

12.07.2025 | Bad Goisern | AUT |

Logo Salzkammergut MTB Trophy

With more than 4.000 participants from 40 nations the Salzkammergut-Trophy is the biggest MTB marathon in Austria. The long loop through the UNESCO World Heritage Region Hallstatt-Dachstein-Salzkammergut is considered as one of the most spectacular marathon course in Europe.

Besides seven different distances, the well-established program mix will guarantee an unforgettable bike festival weekend in Bad Goisern: Gravel MarathonJunior-TrophyHelicopter sightseeing, Festival Pavilion, special visitor spots Pasta-Party, Expo-Area and much more.

    Distance (hm)    Cuppoints Starting time Entry Fee*
G - 21,8 km (567 hm)   7.000 Points 12:15 pm EUR 35,-
F - 37,3 km (1.044 hm)   7.500 Points 11:50 am EUR 45,-
E - 54,9 km (1.719 hm)   8.500 Points 11:00 am EUR 55,-
D - 57,8 km (1.973 hm)   8.500 Points 11:00 am** EUR 59,-
C - 79,9 km (2.428 hm)   9.000 Points 10:15 am*** EUR 69,-
B - 126,8 km (3.758 hm) 10.000 Points 09:00 am EUR 79,-
A - 209,7 km (7.047 hm) 12.500 Points 05:00 am EUR 99,-

Course Information
Course G 21,8 km / 567 hm
Entry Fee: 35 Euro*
Starting time: 12:15 pm
Cup-Points: 7.000
Course F 37,3 km / 1.044 hm
Entry Fee: 45 Euro*
Starting time: 11:50 am
Cup-Points: 7.500
Course E 54,9 km / 1.719 hm
Entry Fee: 55 Euro*
Starting time: 11:00 am
Cup-Points: 8.500
Course D 57,8 km / 1.973 hm
Entry Fee: 59 Euro*
Starting time: 11:00 am**
Cup-Points: 8.500
Gravel-Marathon 67,6 km / 1.952 hm
Entry Fee: 69 Euro*
Starting time: 10:13 am***
Cup-Points: 9.000
Course C 79,9 km / 2.428 hm
Entry Fee: 69 Euro*
Starting time: 10:15 am***
Cup-Points: 9.000
Course B 126,8 km / 3.758 hm
Entry Fee: 79 Euro*
Starting time: 09:00 am
Cup-Points: 10.000
Course A 209,7 km / 7.047 hm
Entry Fee: 99 Euro*
Starting time: 05:00 am
Cup-Points: 12.500


* As of March 01, 2025 + 10,- Euro; as of May 01, 2025 + 20,- Euro
** Start in Bad Ischl (special train to the start - departure 9:34 hrs & 10:17 hrs from Bad Goisern)
*** Start in Obertraun (special train to the start – departure 07:13 hrs & 08:32 hrs & 09:13 hrs from Bad Goisern)


Registration & Collecting the Race Numbers

For a personalized race number register until June 28, 2025. Late entries are possible onsite only upon availability up to one hour prior start.

>> Register Now

collect your race number on site on

  • July 11, 2025 from 13:30 hrs until 20:30 hrs for all courses at the Volksschule Bad Goisern
  • July 12, 2025 for the courses G, F, E and B as of 07:00 hrs up to an hour prior individual starting time also at the Volkschule/Elementary School;
  • Gravel + C-course between 08:00 hrs and 09:45 hrs in the festival pavilion in Obertraun and for the D-course from 10:00 hrs until 10:30 hrs in the Trinkhalle in Bad Ischl.


Winner's Ceremony & Prizes

The winners‘ ceremonies take place at the festival pavilion at the market square. See the following times:

  • G-course at 17:30 hrs
  • F-course at 18:00 hrs
  • E-course at 18:30 hrsr
  • D-course at 20:30 hrs
  • C-course at 20:00 hrs
  • B-course at 21:30 hrs
  • A-course at 22:00 hrs
check out the following Salzkammergut Trophy prizes:
  • Trophies for the day record holder and winner of each age group
  • After the winners ceremonies non–cash prizes worth 4.000 Euros will be raffled among all present participants. Non-cash prizes worth more than 10.000 Euros wait for the “slowest” teams of the Slow Motion Rating
  • Every participant receives a T-Shirt


Accomodations & Camping Site

Ferienregion Dachstein Salzkammergut
Kirchengasse 4
A-4822 Bad Goisern am Hallstättersee

+43 5 95 095

Partnerhotels on
Camping Site and Camping Space for Motorhomes on



ASVÖ MTB Club Salzkammergut
Untere Marktstraße 1
A-4822 Bad Goisern am Hallstättersee

+43 660 99 624 44

Salzkammergut Trophy 2022 (Foto: Erwin Haiden)