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    31.05.2025 - Author Král Šumavy

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    14.06.2025 - Malevil Cup

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    12.07.2025 - Salzkammergut Trophy

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    03.08.2025 - Erzgebirgs Bike Marathon


The MarathonMan Europe Series

Four top events in Germany, Austria and Czech Republic are part again of the popular international 2025 Mountain Bike Series. Some of the races have already more than 30 years experience and are therefore an annually fixture for many bikers. Once again more than 8.000 contestants are expected participating at all five events.

The 2025 season kick off is the Author Kral Sumavy in Klatovy. This traditional race takes place already for the 32nd time and participants may anticipate an international starter field as well a great atmosphere at and beyond the race tracks; just the mere start at the historic city center of Klatovy is a one of kind experience continued by the flow along the most beautiful trails of the Bohemian forests - an ultimate bike pleasure.  

Two weeks later the series moves on but stays in the Czech Republic. Jablonné v Podještědí is the venue of the 26th Malevil Cup - one of the biggest mountain bike events in our neighboring country. On four distances the tracks also lead across the German border and are full of numerous scenic as well as technically challenging highlights of the Lausitzer- and Zittauer mountain range.

As of mid of July there is the 28th Salzkammergut Trophy in Bad Goisern on the calendar. Austria's biggest MTB marathon attracts more than 4.000 bikers from 40 nations to the Dachstein - Lake Hallstatt Region. A selection of seven courses in total: from a 22 km rookie track up to smashing 209 km track. The trails lead through the most beautiful parts of the UNESCO World Heritage Region Hallstatt-Dachstein-Salzkammergut being also most enjoyable experience.

At the beginning of August, the participants will be at the oldest MTB marathon in Germany - the EBM100 in Seiffen and this years MME-Final. Already for the 33rd time this top-organized event including three different courses takes place attracting more than 1.500 ambitious bikers to the Erzgebirge every year.

The MarathonManEurope  - Europe‘s most popular Marathon Series!
Four top events in Germany, Austria and Czech Republic are part again of the popular international 2025 Mountain Bike Series. Some of the races have already more than 30 years experience and are therefore an annually fixture for many bikers. Once again more than 8.000 contestants are expected participating at all five events.

The 2025 season kick off is the Author Kral Sumavy in Klatovy. This traditional race takes place already for the 32nd time and participants may anticipate an international starter field as well a great atmosphere at and beyond the race tracks; just the mere start at the historic city center of Klatovy is a one of kind experience continued by the flow along the most beautiful trails of the Bohemian forests - an ultimate bike pleasure.  

Two weeks later the series moves on but stays in the Czech Republic. Jablonné v Podještědí is the venue of the 26th Malevil Cup - one of the biggest mountain bike events in our neighboring country. On four distances the tracks also lead across the German border and are full of numerous scenic as well as technically challenging highlights of the Lausitzer- and Zittauer mountain range.

As of mid of July there is the 28th Salzkammergut Trophy in Bad Goisern on the calendar. Austria's biggest MTB marathon attracts more than 4.000 bikers from 40 nations to the Dachstein - Lake Hallstatt Region. A selection of seven courses in total: from a 22 km rookie track up to smashing 209 km track. The trails lead through the most beautiful parts of the UNESCO World Heritage Region Hallstatt-Dachstein-Salzkammergut being also most enjoyable experience.

At the beginning of August, the participants will be at the oldest MTB marathon in Germany - the EBM100 in Seiffen and this years MME-Final. Already for the 33rd time this top-organized event including three different courses takes place attracting more than 1.500 ambitious bikers to the Erzgebirge every year.

The MarathonManEurope  - Europe‘s most popular Marathon Series!